Unical Accredited Courses | There are many departments in uncial which are accredited, however, some courses in the University of Calabar has not been accredited and before you make any choice, you have to look into this courses to make sure you are studying the right course for a certificate.
The closes school to Unical is Crutech and some courses Accredited in crutech might not be the same courses accredited in uncial though both schools might be in the same City. It is of outmost important that you know the courses accredited in Unical in order not to study blindly.

There are about 10 Faculties in the list of faculties in uncial and each of the courses listed below belong to ach of this faculties. There are many Faculties that are not there in The University of Calabar but many people think that the courses are offered in the School.
I have received many calls regarding this topic and that is why I choose to write on this topic in order to answer the many questions of the people in order to avoid confusion.
There are so many reasons why people fill in for Change of course apart from the fact that they might not be given the admission.
One of the reasons why many perspective candidates fill in for a change of course might also arise as a result of the fact that they made wrong choices when they were applying for their institution.
Does unical offer pharmacy?
The above question is one of the questions one of my callers asked and I have decided to point a light on this. If you are the one that asked the above question, this article is also for you because it has been constructively wriiten to answer your question and clear the doubt of many others. Please red this article to the end and get answer to your question.
faculty of engineering is one of the courses offerd in the University of Calabar. many people think that uncial does have the faculty of engineering, but the faculty is present in the school and it had existed long ago.
Unical Accredited courses and requirements
The requirements needed to study any course in the University of Calabar is very Simple for those of you applying through UME for Degree Programme, the basic requirements is to have a good Jamb scores above 150 and also with your O’level result which will include mathematics, English and any other Subjects which are related to your course of Study.
university of calabar cut off mark
For now, the present cut of mark for University of Calabar is 150 as against the 120 recommendation by Jamb. With a Jamb Score of 120, any candidates is eligible to apply for any course, However, Admission will be on a Merit.
With the information listed above, you can be sure of the requirements needed for the All Unical Accredited Courses, that is List of Course offered in University of Calabar.
The information on All Unical Accredited Courses are arranged in alphabetically for quick and easy identification of any course. Please check carefully below.
List Of Courses Offered In University of Calabar (UNICAL)
- Agricultural Science and Education
- Animal Science
- Applied Geophysics
- Accounting
- Adult Education
- Agricultural Economics and Extension
- Agricultural Economics and Farm Management
- Banking and Finance (Mgt)
- Biochemistry
- Botany
- Business Administration
- Business Education
- Chemistry
- Civil Law
- Computer Science
- Dentistry And Dental Surgery
- Economics
- Education and Biology
- Education and Chemistry
- Education and Economics
- Education and English Language
- Education and French
- Education and Geography / Physics
- Education and History
- Education and Mathematics
- Education and Physics
- Education and Political Science
- Education and Religious Studies
- Education and Social Science
- Education and Social Studies
- Education Arts
- Educational Foundation
- Electronics and Computer Technology
- Elementary Education
- English and Literary Studies
- Environmental Education
- Environmental Protection And Resources Management
- Fisheries
- Food Science And Technology
- Forestry And Wildlife Management
- French
- Genetics and Bio-Technology
- Geography And Environmental Management
- Geography and Environmental Science
- Geology
- History and International Studies
- Hospitality And Tourism Management
- Human Anatomy
- Human Nutrition and Dietetics
- Library and Information Science
- Linguistics
- Marketing
- Mathematics / Statistics
- Medical Laboratory Technology / Science
- Medicine and Surgery
- Nursing / Nursing Science
- Philosophy
- Physical and Health Education
- Physics
- Physiology
- Policy and Administrative Studies
- Public Administration
- Public Health Technology
- Radiography
- Religious Studies
- Social Works
- Sociology
- Soil Science
- Special Education
- Statistics
- Technology and Vocational Education
- Theatre Arts
- Zoology
Faculties in Unical
Arts. Agriculture. Biological Sciences. Physical Sciences. Education. Management Sciences. Law. Social Sciences. Oceanography. Engineering
About University of Calabar
University of Calabar grew out of the Calabar campus of University of Nigeria (UNN), Nigeria which began functioning during the 1973 academic session with 154 students and a small cadre of academic, administration and professional staff.
In April 1975, the Federal Military Government of Nigeria announced that as part of the National Development Plan, seven new Universities were to be established at various locations in the country. The University of Calabar was one of the seven Universities set up under this programme.
Located in Calabar Municipal, an ancient city with a long tradition of culture and contact with western civilization, the already developed area of the University occupies a 17-hectare site on the eastern side of the town, between the Great Qua River and the Calabar River.
Additional land has been acquired on both sides of the Great Qua River for the development of the University.
Academic activities actually commenced in the 1973/74 session, in what was then a Campus of the University Of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN).
However, the new autonomous institution started academic work with the faculties of Arts, Science and Social Science in October 1976 with an initial enrolment of 896 students.
Of this number, 406 students were carried over from the University of Nigeria.
We are always ready to feed you with more information concerning Unical Accredited Courses and that’s why we have written this article to keep you updated with information on Unical Accredited Courses If you like this article and want us to give you more information on Unical Accredited Courses Please drop your email at the comment box below.
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Please, is Unical doing pharmacy?
im happy for this page because this page has given me some information
The informations here are all very useful
Thank you Ekpo
Nice work.
Thank you we are most grateful
Thanks for your information. Does unical has accredited engineering programmes. If so what are the courses, and when was the courses and faculty accredited.
Reply Asap
The faculty of Engineering was recently accredited in the University of calabar