Current Jamb Syllabus for 2017/2018. Jamb syllabus has been a veritable tool in the hand of students seeking admission into the the higher instituition. Research has shown that 90 percent of those that excel in Jamb are those who study the syllables comprehensively.
Did you Know?
That the latest 2017/2018 syllabus is out. Get it and start preparing for the exams using our updated Jamb syllables.
Current Jamb Syllabus for you
A syllable is “an outline and summary of topics to be covered in an education or training course. It is descriptive (unlike the prescriptive or specific curriculum)” Taking lead from this, jamb syllabus can be seen as an legitimate file containing topics every potential “jambite” need to have covered earlier than imparting his/herself for the unified tertiary matriculation exam (utme).
The jamb syllabus is very vital to be aware of due to the fact so many college students have a look at haphazardly. They deliver excuses including: “jamb syllabus is just too large, i’m certain they set the entirety”, however that’s a huge lie. Each exam has a focus point; it’s far the syllables on the way to let you understand what you should concentrate on
In this article, we’ve got taken time to expose how this cloth can help you score excessive in jamb 2018.
Additives of the jamb syllabus
The Jamb syllabus does not only include list of subjects to be included with the aid of candidates. It comes with complete listing of all topics the candidates could be examined on, it suggests the areas of awareness and further gives listing of endorsed textbooks for each concern.
To make revision and exam training smooth, jamb made the syllabus in a chronological order wherein in any such manner that “one subject matter results in every other”. It’s far consequently a endorsed reading resource to applicants who without a doubt need to file success.
We strongly recommend all candidates to have a take a look at the syllabus for every subject they registered. Pay attention to the subjects you’re anticipated to master and let it guide your studies. This way, you’ll spend no time reading things which are irrelevant to the examination.
Do not forget about this message, after all “jamb is not stupid” to have introduced a syllabus – there may be a cause for the whole thing! Don’t forget about that you’ll additionally be examined on a novel “the ultimate days at forcados high school.
Read also: How to prepare for jamb 2017, scoring skyrocketed scores
Current Jamb Syllabus for All subjects
Jamb UTME syllabus is a professional document or material released each year by the board. it incorporates a detailed information and manual on the topics you are anticipated to study on a particular subject of your UTME. The questions you are to answer on the exams day will be drawn from those areas of subjects.
we’ve got provided you with the cutting-edge jamb syllabus on your respective subjects. really click on on the subjects below to view their respective syllabus and subjects to study:
- Current Jamb Syllabus for Introduction
- Jamb syllabus for Agriculture
- Jamb syllabus for Arabic
- Jamb syllabus for Art
- Jamb syllabus for Biology
- Jamb syllabus for Chemistry
- Jamb syllabus for Christian religious Studies
- Jamb syllabus for Commerce
- Jamb syllabus for Economics
- Jamb syllabus for French
- Jamb syllabus for Geography
- Jamb syllabus for Government
- Jamb syllabus for Hausa
- Jamb syllabus for History
- Jamb syllabus for Home Economics
- Jamb syllabus for Igbo
- Jamb syllabus for Islamic Studies
- Jamb syllabus for Literature in English
- Jamb syllabus for Mathematics
- Current Jamb Syllabus for Music
- Jamb syllableus for Physics
- Jamb syllabus for Principles of Accounts
- Jamb syllabus for Use of English
- Jamb syllabus for Yoruba
Current Jamb Syllabus Download in PDF
Read also: How to prepare for jamb 2017, scoring skyrocketed scores
Are you presently searching out for Jamb UTME syllabus for 2016/2017 in pdf format? look no further , we’ve the reliable jamb syllabus for 2016/2017 Jamb UTME Exams. it is presented in a pdf format . You could pick to download Current Jamb Syllabus UTME syllabus right here from our website or you could just download syllabus from jamb website.
Click on the subjects below to download in a pdf format
Click here to download Physics jamb syllabus PDF format
Click here to download Mathematics jamb syllabus PDF format
Click here to download Literature in English jamb syllabus PDF format
Click here to download Islamic Studies jamb syllabus PDF format
Click here to download Igbo jamb syllabus PDF format
Click here to download Home Economics jamb syllabus PDF format
Click here to download History jamb syllabus PDF format
Click here to download Hausa jamb syllabus PDF format
Click here to download Government jamb syllabus PDF format
Click here to download Economics jamb syllabus PDF format
Click here to download Commerce syllabus PDF format
Jamb Syllabus for 2016/2017
We also have previous syllabus like the Jamb 2014/2016 syllables. Jamb updated syllabus has little moderation in the different subjects. You can chose to compare previous syllables with the updated syllabus. Check out Jamb 2014/2015 Syllabus below:
- Introduction
- Agriculture
- Arabic
- Art
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Christian religious Studies
- Commerce
- Economics
- French
- Geography
- Government
- Hausa
- History
- Home Economics
- Igbo
- Islamic Studies
- Literature in English
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physics
- Principles of Accounts
- Use of English
The whole syllable is summarized at myschoolgist.com.ng
Read also: How to prepare for jamb 2017, scoring skyrocketed scores
Thanks for this update
Please Stay away from Scammers who wants to Gets money from you for Jamb Result Upgrade. There is nothing like that
Please ignore every person who are posing as jam upgrade agent….. they are all scammers
Pls i need waec expo
Pls i need jamb syllabus 2019 to prepare me
The Syllabus is not yet out. When it is out we will let you know
We will Provide you wih the Syllabus when it is time
Tank u mr peter edi.u rily helped me a lot and i scored 292 in jamb dis year.contd ur work sir nd God wil richly bls u
Wow ……. you are welcome, Testimonies like this makes us feel happy that we are not wasting our time
Thank you for these syllabuses. I have downloaded rhem successfully. I love this website.