The NNPC/Shell SNEPCo Scholarship 2018 and the National University scholarship is open for application and undergraduates are advised to hold of this scholarship opportunity by the NNPC/shell Snepco and apply for the scholarship and get the grants offered by NNPC/Snepco joint venture.

The scholarship is open for all Nigerian Undergraduates studying in Nigerian accredited universities. Applicants should see the method of application below and other details about the scholarship below.
How to Apply for NNPC/Shell SNEPCo Scholarship 2018
The NNPC/Shell SNEPCo Scholarship 2018 is here for all … The Shell Nigeria Exploration Production Company (SNEPCo) for the benefit of itself, its co-venturers and NNPC declares the NNPC/SNEPCo National University Scholarship for University Students in college classes of Nigerian colleges.
The nnpc snepco scholarship grant for 2018 is here again and it calls for application. The nnpc/snepco grant 2018 is a yearly grant for all second year University Students of any certifies Nigerian Universities.
This Scholarship grant plot picks up its extensive variety of help from the shell scholarship grant 2018/2019. NNPC just finish offering scholarship to thousand of Nigerian University student through the recently concluded NNPC/Chevron scholarship 2018
Numerous University Students have approached how to apply for shell Scholarship grant and how to download its application shape frame as well.
As indicated by mtn scholarship grant and shell scholarship Scholarship grant list, we have seen numerous competitors traps and that is the reason we have composed a brief guide for any individual who is applying for this Scholarship grant opportunity.
The Scholarship grant is gladly supported by nnpc and it is open for all Nigerians in the higher organization.
Courses and Programmes for NNPC/Shell SNEPCo Scholarship 2018
- Agricultural Science
- Mathematics/Applied Mathematics
- Metallurgical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Agricultural Science
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
- Pharmacy
- Physics/Applied Physics
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- Finance
- Geophysics
- Geosciences/Geology
- Instrumentation Engineering
- Marine Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Materials/Corrosion Engineering
- Medicine
Benefits of NNPC/Shell SNEPCo Scholarship 2018
There are sure courses determined by the plan and applicants who has any enthusiasm for applying must investigation any of the courses recorded previously.
The Scholarship grant is to keep going for a not very many months and hopefuls are to surge and apply before the Scholarship grant plot lapses. We are away that numerous government and state Universities are on strike yet be that as it may, this ought not be hindrance for any candidates as the Scholarship grant can even now be handled while some Jamb students are still waiting for admission
The NNPC/Shell SNEPCo Scholarship 2018 is open for all so far the candidates meet the prerequisites as expressed beneath. The necessities are basic expecting contender to give every single pertinent archive as expressed underneath.
This NNPC/Shell SNEPCo Scholarship 2018 is very much financed for all hopefuls who will develop fruitful. It is supported by the Government through nnpc I joint effort with Snepco and Shell.
You can continue to nnpc/snepco Scholarship grant application in the entryway in the event that you realize that you have meet all the essential capabilities recorded beneath.
The NNPC/Shell SNEPCo Scholarship 2018 application frame is accessible on the web and you can either download from our website or go to the nnpc Scholarship grant entrance to download and fill the shape on the web.
NNPC/Shell SNEPCo Scholarship 2017 benefits are gigantic as all recipients do appreciate greatest help and financing from nnpc/snepco Scholarship grant. Consistently, the University Students are bolstered with stores which can carter for their educational cost charges, writings books, Accommodation nourishing and so on.
The NNPC/Shell SNEPCo Scholarship 2018 Taken a toll?
The Scholarship grant cost nothing as it is free and open to all candidates who are can meet the necessities for the Scholarship grant. Numerous fraudsters will solicit you from cash keeping in mind the end goal to pick up the Scholarship grant offer, However, we are unequivocally cautioning you against counterfeit site who will request that you pay a specific some of cash to their record.
The program is overseen by SNEPCo and gives yearly allows to fruitful candidates from their second year to the fulfillment of their degree program.
Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company Limited (SNEPCo), its co-wander accomplices and the Nigerian National Petroleum (NNPC) welcomes applications from qualified Nigerian University Students for the 2018 NNPC/SNEPCo National University Scholarship Program.
NNPC Partners with Total for NNPC/Total Scholarship and they also partner with addax for NNPC/Addax scholarship for scholarship and grants offer to students annually.
This program is gone for advancing scholarly greatness and enhances the aptitudes of youthful Nigerians. To give a yearly give to effective candidates from their second year to the fruition of their degree program.
Number of Scholarship honors
Not indicated, but rather a few will be Scholarship granted
Sponsorship Time
Effective candidates will get gives each year from their second year to the consummation of their degree program. Beneficiaries are relied upon to keep up high scholastic/moral measures, and different conditions sketched out in the Scholarship grant letter.
NNPC/Shell SNEPCo Scholarship Important Scholarship grant benefits
The SNEPCo National University Scholarship covers your program. The significance of Scholarships and Bursaries and the distinction it can make in the lives of University Students, their families and ages unborn, can’t be over expressed.
Step by step instructions to apply for Shell Scholarship – Method of Application
SNEPCo won’t acknowledge email applications. Qualified University Students contemplating the qualified courses recorded above in authorize Nigerian colleges are welcome to present an electronic application on the official site (see beneath). It would be ideal if you take note of the directions beneath:
- Each candidate ought to have a substantial individual email account (for steady correspondence).
- Competitors who meet the above qualification criteria ought to apply online at to give the required individual and instructive subtle elements, and transfer filtered duplicates of the accompanying:
- An ongoing international ID measured photo of the candidate in JPEG organize, and not more than 200kilobytes;
- College or JAMB (UTME or D/E) Admission Letter; Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME) Scores;
- ‘O’ Level Result(s) such as Waec result or Neco Result; and ‘A’ Level/OND/NCE Result(s) as material; and
- Letter of Identification from State of root showing candidate’s neighborhood administration of beginning.
- University Students are to transfer their 100 level outcomes.
It is vital to peruse the scholarship declaration, and furthermore visit the official site (connection to it is beneath) for nitty gritty data and to get to the online application gateway.
Scholarship Application Deadline/ Due dates and Important Notice
Applications ought to be submitted online prior to ;
Examination date: 24th September, 2018.
Each record submitted online must not surpass 200KB and the picture arranges must be in JPEG.
Be careful with false sites while applying for the NNPC/Shell SNEPCo Scholarship 2018 on the web. Such sites may request that you make a few installments over the span of the application. These are totally false locales which ought to be kept away from. NNPC/SNEPCo Scholarship application 2018 is FREE.
See More rundown and information of SNEPCO Scholarships Here: Latest Scholarships
SNEPCo is focused on giving grant openings that are not related with application expenses.
SNEPCo DOES NOT ASSIGN ‘Delegates’/’ Agents’ to help applicants` process applications.
Any hopeful found to have displayed false archives will be precluded or pulled back at any level of the grant.
Just short recorded applicants will be welcomed for a PC based tests in chosen focuses across the nation.
For more data or illumination on the NNPC/SNEPCo National University Scholarship, if you don’t mind send an email to SNEPCO Social Performance SNEPCO-UIO/G/NRS ([email protected])
Hope you have been informed on how to apply for the NNPC/Shell SNEPCo Scholarship 2018 and how to apply for the 2018 Scholarship offer. The scholarship application guidelines will help you to know how to apply for the NNPC/Shell SNEPCo Scholarship 2018 .
Do you have any question or contribution about the NNPC/Shell SNEPCo Scholarship 2018 ?
Drop it here at the comment box below and please remember to share this post to everyone.
Pls am just hearing about this scholarship today,can I still apply because the exam starts on the 24
Yes just apply by visiting the scholarship site.
I have applied for the scholarship but have not received any information about the day of the attitude test, have also check my e-mail. Have anybody receive message ?
We will be posted via mail