National Identification Number (NIN) Code USSD to Check NIN number

Before this time it was often difficult to get Your NBIN number, but with the National Identification Number (NIN) Code USSD, you will sure be able to check and know your national Identification number.

We have compiled this post for you to give you the desire information which you want to be able to check your National Identity number.

The step by step guide for you will give you the information and guide to check for your National Identification number.

We sure have given you this guide and thus we hope that you check on how to verify and the National Identity Card number

This post is necessary as it becomes pertinent to show Nigerian the easy way to get their National Identification number through this post.

National Identification Number (NIN) Code
National Identification Number (NIN) Code

The problem of National Identification Number (NIN) is solving in this post which we therefore have provided the right information to get your National Identification number.

With the right and the correct USSD code you will just be able to easily access the NIN number through our guide that we have stated here in this post.

Did you know that IPPIS verification will soon require NIN number  and the the most important thing in a National Identity Card is the National Identification number and without this code, the National identification number cannot be checked through your mobile.

Days are gone where you will have to queue in a long line to get your National Identification number, but with the advent of the National Identification Number (NIN) Code, things are now very easy online.

National Identification Number Slip

Upon enrollment with the National identification management Agency, you will just be able to access your profile and the new National Identification number which we will be generated for you  and this will your permanent identification code.

Knowing your National Identification number on your phone without going to NIMC office makes things easy and eases the stress of trying to get the National Identity Number.

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This guide will show you the necessary steps for which you will be able to check your National Identification card number

The white slip is not the final slip which you will be given as the white slip only contains your National identification number, but in most cases persons can miss the temporary slip and hence the need to get and retrieve the NIN number with a National Identification Number (NIN) Code USSD.

National Identification number is an identification which every Nigerian Should strive to get as it makes you a full citizen of the country.

There are certain things which will be required of you before enrolling for the National Identification Card Scheme and one of them is that an applicants must have a preregistered identity card that allows you to access and get the main slip.

Our post information contains fact to help you access the National Identity card through our step by step guide.

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What is my National Identification Number

National Identity Number is that unique number which people possess and this number helps to clearly state and check through for Your Identity.

Each person has a unique identity card and thus one Identification number cannot be used for another person.

The Number is generated when you enroll with the NIMC which gives you the number. The number contains in your main identity and other slips that you will be given and hence this makes this Number distinct.

No other person will use your National Identity Card Number only if the use the National Identification Number (NIN) Code USSD to check through your phone with your registered line.

The National Identification number is the main thing in any Identification and without such card, it becomes very difficult to get the main card.

When you are given the white slip even without the main card or brown slip, we will encourage you to write out the number and in case you miss any of the slips, you can still use the National Identification Number (NIN) Code USSD to confirm your NIN number with your device.

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Steps to enroll for National Identification number Nigeria

  1. Ensure that you register at any of the accredited centers or the Federal Secretariat in any state of Nigeria
  2. Enroll for the per-registration process by completing the form that will be given to you.
  3. You will have to present anything that represents you or have your name in it and this include either your waec result, your Neco result, your Staff ID card, voters card etc
  4. The registration is done across different states in Nigeria
  5. Ensure you are given a white slip upon enrollment and this slip has your BVN and your number printed on it.

National Identity Card Check

There are also steps to check if your card is ready and when to pick up your card. The card status is online and through the NIMC site and your NIN number you will know if your main card is ready for disbursement and how to pick up the card.

Most users who enrolled to the National Identity Card Management Agency, had since complain of inability to access its card through the portal and this difficulty was recently resolve by NIMC.

If you enrolled for the National Identity card for the past six years and you have not gotten anyone yet, we encourage you to exercise patience as the card will be disburse in due time.

We have received several complaints where candidates complain of their inability to get their card after enrolling for the National Identification Number in Nigeria.

The federal Government has actually looked in to the matter and have promised all those that have not gotten their card, should note that theirs will be ready for collection soon.

Requirements to Access NIN With USSD Code 2020

  • Ensure that you have enrolled into the scheme and your data were successfully captured
  • Phone number Used for NIN registration or Phone number used for BVN registration/Drivers License registration
  • Have Upto N20.00 of airtime on the line which you will use
  • Only those using Airtel, MTN, and Glo can access this service of USSD code as it is not yet available for 9mobile and other network users
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How to Check National Identification Number (NIN) Code with USSD on phone

  1. Open Your dial pad on your phone and dial the following code
  2. Dial *346* on your registered phone number
  3. 00 will be deducted and you will be able to access and see your NIN number right on your screen.
  4. You will see your NIN number with this National Identification Number (NIN) Code USSD on your screen.
  5. Copy it out and you can as well screenshot it for those with smart phones

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The National Identification number is an important number which every citizen of Nigeria should possess and that’s why we have taken turns to give you this information on the NIN number 2020.

Accessing the number on your device will only cost you a token which you can let go to have your number.

In most cases you will be asked to present this number where you might have lost your white slip for the brown to be processed easily.

It has been predicted that from 2021 that NIN will be an important factor when it comes to any federal Government registration like Jamb registration and other federal Government registrations.

Jamb have failed to include the use of NIN number for her registration exercise and henceforth being difficult for candidate to register for the exams easily.

The effectiveness of NIMC towards the National Identity card will mean an effective way to curb fraud and fight different financial crimes and it will give the federal government the database of all her citizens.

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About Peters Edi 3481 Articles
My business is feeding a market that is desperate for the solutions that I create to solve their challenges. Here is a bit about me: Peters Edi is a prolific writer who writes awesome contents especially for the internet; he is a freelance writer, SEO expert, web designer, a Blogger, event host, and ICT/Social Media consultant......

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