Jamb Biology Questions 2020 | Random Repeated Questions for Biology

This post provides the version of Jamb Biology Questions 2020 which we have provided you with possible past questions and answers repeated in this year’s Biology question and answers

There is need to feed the masses on information on jamb 2019 Biology questions and answers and this we have done by providing you with jamb Biology questions 2019.There are many other persons in search of jamb past question and answer on literature in English.

Jamb Biology Questions

The questions set in Biology by Jamb are based on the Biology jamb syllabus which we also wrote on. Aside from Jamb Biology Questions, we also made available jamb crs questions 2020 in our other article all this is to get you updated on Jamb 2020.

Our Jamb Biology questions was gotten with jamb Biology answers 2020 and the questions are basically drawn from the jamb past questions and answers 2015.

We know that many Biology candidates are searching for jamb past questions and answers on Biology and that is why we saw the need to give you updated questions and answers on jamb questions and answers 2020.

Jamb 2020 Biology Questions and Answers

Like we wrote on jamb 2020 biology questions and answers and jamb 2020 chemistry questions, we wants you to be updated and informed about the Jamb Questions and answers for Biology and here we have made these questions and answers for you. The questions are updated and are sourced from the ongoing Jamb Examination.

We understand that Jamb are too lazy to set fresh questions for different centers across the Globe and what they basically do is to give out questions randomly that is changing the numbers in the questions. For example, Number 1 in centre A Might be Number 10 in centre B. Questions are set randomly and updated into the data base of each centre.

A lot of persons have also made demands on jamb english question 2020 we will be writing on it soon but presently, we have Jamb Biology Questions and we wrote on jamb questions and answers physics chemistry 2020. Our articles this days focuses basically on Jamb questions, Jamb Biology Questions and all other 2020 jamb questions and answers

Most Questions making Jamb Biology Questions 2018 are drawn from the jamb past questions Biology.

Jamb Biology Questions 2020 | Biology Questions and Answers for Jamb


  1. A noticeable adaptation of the animal to its aquatic habitat is the possession of
    A. webbed digits B. four limbs C. a wide mouth D. large eyes
  2. The similarity among organisms belonging to the same group will be least within each
    A. order B. family C. species D. kingdom
  3. Hermaphroditic reproduction can be found among the
    A. annelids and molluscs B. pisces and amphibians C. coelenterates and oplatyhelminthes D. arthropods and nematodes
  4. One distinctive feature in the life history of liverworts is that they exhibit
    A. vegetative reproduction B. alternation of generation C. sexual reproduction D.asexual reproduction
  5. The cell component that is present in a prokaryotic cell is the
    A. ribosome B. mitochondrion C. chloroplast D. nuclear envelope
  6. In the egg of a bird, the embryo is located in the
    A. yolk B. embryo disc C. chalaza D. albumen
  7. An insect whose economic importance is both harmful and benefit is the
    A. butterfly B. mosquito C. blackfly D. tsetsefly
  8. If water that has been coloured red is poured at the base of a wilting plant, it will appear as a red stain in the cells of the
    A. phloem B. parenchyma C. xylem D. epidermis
  9. The stunted growth of a leguminous plant suffering from nitrogen deficiency may be corrected by inoculating the soil with
    A. saprophytic bacteria B. rhizobium C. denitrifying bacteria D. nitrosomonas
  10. The part of the mammalian digestive system where absorption of nutrients takes place is the. A. duodenum B. colon C. ileum D. oesophagus
  11. The dark reaction of photosynthesis involves the
    A. release of oxygen and the splitting of water, B. photolysis of water and the production of starch, C. reduction of carbon (IV) oxide to organic compounds, D. splitting of water into hydrogen ions
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JAMB Biology Questions 2018 | Check JAMB Biology Random Repeated Questions Here.

  1. The most important hormone that induces the ripening of fruit is
    A. Cytokinin B. Indole acetic acid C. Ethylene D. Gibberellin
  2. Metabolic production of urea is carried out in the
    A. urinary bladder and kidney B. pancreas C. kidney and malphigian tubule D. liver
    14. In mammalian males, the excretory and reproductive system share the
    A. ureter B. testes C. vas deferens D. urethra
  3. The best method of propagating sugarcane is by
    A. stem cuttings B. seed sowing C. layering D. grafting
  4. The response of plants to external stimuli in a non-
    directional manner is known as
    A. nastic movement B. photropism C. tactic D. geotropism
  5. Homologous pairs of chromosomes separate during
    A. meiosis B. cytolysis C. mitosis D. cleavage
  6. An example of a caryopsis is
    A. coconut B. tomato C. guava D. maize grain
  7. A limiting factor in a plant population near a chemical factory is likely to be
    A. humidity B. pH C. wind D. light
  8. The pioneer organisms in ecological succession are usually the
    A. lichens B. algae C. ferns D. mosses
  9. Mycorrhiza is an association between fungi and
    A. roots of higher plants B. ilamentous algae C. bacteria D. protozoans
  10. A density-dependent factor that regulates the population size of organisms is
    A. sudden flood B. disease C. fire outbreak D. drought
  11. The most effective method of dealing with non-biodegradable pollution is by
    A. burying B. dumping C. incineration D. recycling
  12. Soil fertility can best be conserved and renewed by the activities of
    A. microbes B. earthwormsv C. man D. rodents
  13. One example of fossil fuels is
    A. coral B. limestone C. firewood D. coal
  14. If the pair of allelels for baldness is given as Bb, a female carrier will be denoted by
    A. XBXb B. XBXB C. XbY D. XBY
  15. An organism that has been extensively used to test the chromosome theory of heredity is
    A. Homo sapiens B. Drosophila melanogaster C. Zea Mays D. Musea domestica
  16. A feature associated with the Y-chromosome in humans is
    A. facial hairs B. prominent fingernails C. long eyelashes D. enlarged breast
    31. A man and his wife are both heterozygous for the sickle-cell trait. The likely percentage of their offspring that will be either carriers or sicklers is
    A. 50% B. 25% C. 75% D. 100%
  17. The type of reproduction that leeds to variation in animal and plant populations is
    A. budding B. vegetative C. asexual D. sexual
  18. If a DNA strand has a base sequence TCA, its complementary strand must be
  19. Which of the following requires the use of carbon dating to prove that evolution has occurred?
    A. Biochemical similarities B. Molecular records C. Fossil Records D. Comparative anatomy
  20. The presence of sunken stomata and the folding of leaves are adaptations to
    A. prevent entry of pathogens B. prevent guttation C. remove excess water D. reduce water loss
  21. Spines and shells on animals are adaptations for
    A. physical defence B. camouflage C. chemical defence D. mimicry
  22. The inactive state exhibited by an animal during hot dry seasons is termed
    A. aestivation B. dormancy C. resting D. hibernation
  23. An insect with a mandibulate mouth part will obtain its food by
    A. chewing B. chewing and sucking C. sucking D. biting and chewing
  24. An example of cryptic colouration is the
    A.bright marks on a poisonous tropical frog on variegated leaves
    B. bright colour of an insect-pollinated flower
    C. mottled colours on moths that rest on lichens
    D. green colour of a plant
  25. An argument against Lamarck’s heory of evolution is that
    A. acquired traits cannot be passed onto the offspring
    B. disuse of body part cannot weaken the part
    C. disused part is dropped off in the offspring
    D. traits cannot be acquired through constant use of body parts.
  26. The type of reproduction that is common to both Hydra and yeast is
    A. grafting B. budding C. conjugation D. binary fission
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  1. Epigeal germination of a seed is characterized by A. lack of growth of the hypocotyls
    B. more rapid elongation of the hypocotyls than the epicotyl
    C. more rapid elongation of the epicotyl than the hypocotyl
    D. equal growth rate of both the .hypocotyl and epicotyl.
  2. All living cells require water because it
    A. is a medium that neutralizes acids in cells
    B. is the main source of energy for the cells
    C. prevents the development of diseases in cell
    D. is a medium for all metabolic reactions.
  3. The surface of an alveolus in a mammals is well supplied
    with tiny blood vessels known as
    A. capillaries B. arteries C. arterioles D. venules
  4. Nervous control differs from hormonal control in that the former
    A. is a slower process
    B. involves only chemical transmission
    C. has no specific pathway
    D. produces short-term changes
  5. Identical twins inherit their genes from
    A. One egg and two sperms B. two eggs and a sperm C. the same egg and sperm D. different eggs and sperms
  6. Paternity disputes can most accurately be resolved through the use of
    A. DNA analysis B. fingerprinting C. tongue-rolling D. blood group typing
  7. Sex-linked genes are located on
    A. X-and Y-chromosomes B. homologous chromosomes C. X- chromosomes D. Y- chromosome.
  8. In a Mendelian cross of red and white varieties of the four o’clock plant, the Fgeneration expresses incomplete dominance by having flowers which are
    A. multicoloured B. pink C. red D. white
  9. Insects are considered the most successful among the Invertebrates because they
    A. survive in various environmental conditions B. possess the ability to change their forms C. possess exoskeletons D. have wing for flight.
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Hope you have gotten the information on Jamb Biology Questions and we hope that you will study this questions carefully to have this questions repeated on your Jamb Biology Questions 2019 exams. Get our  How to score High in Jamb Material Here

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