Jamb Literature Syllabus 2018 | Jamb Syllabus for Literature 2018

Jamb Literature Syllabus 2018 | Jamb Syllabus for Literature 2018

Welcome to the official page for the 2018 Literature, which we attempt to show you the Jamb Literature Syllabus 2018 | Jamb Syllabus for Literature so that you will start studying. The important of the syllabus can never be over emphasized, it serve as a guide towards your preparation for the forth coming Jamb exams commencing on February 2018.

Jamb Literature Syllabus 2018
Jamb Literature Syllabus 2018

One thing which student need so much is the syllabus and this we have done by providing you with the updated information on Jamb Literature Syllabus 2018 and Jamb Syllabus for Literature.

Your level of preparedness towards this year’s Jamb will determined the kind of result which you will come out with and one tool that will help you to prepare so well for the forth coming Jamb examination is your ability to use the syllabus as the right tools for studies.

Studies have shown that those who study with the syllabus makes good grade form their examination because they are actually guided.

Download Jamb Literature Syllabus 2018 Online

You can either get the our updated Jamb Literature syllabus by texts or Jamb Syllabus for Literature via pdf. Any of the method which you choose will still give you the updated Jamb Syllabus for you to study conveniently.

A syllabus is a tool which serves as a map/guide to give you direction and help you have  a focus in your task. The syllabus is is very vital for you to have and study for your exam along side with your text books thus the need to make Jamb Syllabus for Literature available to serve as a working tool for smooth studies while preparing for Jamb.

Jamb Literature Syllabus 2018 | Jamb Syllabus for Literature and Hot topics


Another way of getting the syllabus is through pdf format which you hav e to download and save it on yor phone so you can visit it anytime you wants without going online to visit this site again. To this syllabus, you have follow all relevant l inks to download the syllabus which we have uploaded in a pdf format.

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Many candidates preparing for this exam actually need to have this Jamb Literature Syllabus 2018 | Jamb Syllabus for Literature by downloading it. The cost of the download is free and you will not be charge for downloading.

Without wasting time, here is the syllabus for you by texts

General Objectives of  Jamb Literature Syllabus

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Literature in English is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:
1.Stimulate and sustain their interest in Literature in English;
2.Create an awareness of the general principles and functions of language;
3.Appreciate literary works of all genres and across all cultures;
4.Apply the knowledge of Literature in English to the analysis of social, political and economic events in the society.

Detailed Syllabus for Jamb Literature Syllabus 2018


a. Types:
i.      Tragedy
ii.      Comedy
iii.     Tragicomedy
iv.     Melodrama
v.      Farce

b. Dramatic Techniques
i.     Characterisation
ii.     Dialogue
iii.    Flashback
iv.    Mime
v.     Costume
vi.    Music/Dance
vii.   Décor
viii.  Acts/Scenes
ix.   Soliloquy/aside etc.
c.  Interpretation of the PrescribedTexts
i.     Theme
ii.     Plot
iii.    Socio-political context
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Candidates should be able to:

i. identify the various types  of drama;
ii. analyse  the  contents  of  the various types of drama;
iii. compare and contrast the features of different dramatic types;
iv. demonstrate adequate knowledge of dramatic techniques used in each prescribed text;
v. differentiate between  styles of  selected playwrights;
vi. determine  the  theme  of  any prescribed text;
vii. identify the plot of the play;
viii. apply the lessons of the play to everyday living.

2.   PROSE
a. Types:
i.  Fiction
•   Novel
•   Novella
•   Short story
ii. Non-fiction
•   Biography
•   Autobiography
•   Memoir
b. Narrative Techniques/Devices:
i.   Point of view
•    Omni scent/ThirdPerson
•   First Person
ii: Setting
•   Temporal
•   Spatial/Geographical
iii. Characterisation
•   Round characters   .
•   Flat characters
iv. Language use

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c. Textual Analysise
i. Theme
ii. Plot
iii. Socio-political context;


Know how to score 350 in Jamb Here

Jamb Government Syllabus
Jamb Syllabus

Candidates should be able to:

i. differentiate between types of prose;
ii. identify the category that each  prescribed text belongs to;
iii. analyse  the  components  of  each type of prose;
iv. identify the narrative techniques used in each of the prescribed texts;
v. determine an author’s narrative style;
vi. distinguish between one type of character from another,
vii. determine the thematic pre- occupation of the author  of the prescribed text;
viii. indicate the plot of the novel;
ix.  relate the prescribed text to real life situations.

Download too Jamb Syllabus for Government


3.    Poetry Section of Jamb Literature Syllabus
a. Types:
i.   Sonnet
ii.   Ode
iii.  Lyrics
iv.  Elegy
v.   Ballad
vi.  Panegyric
vii. Epic
viii. Blank Verse
b. PoeticDevices
i.   Sructure
ii.   Imagery
iii.  Rhyme/Rhythm
iv.   Diction
v.    Personal
c. Appreciation.
i.       Thematic preoccupation
ii.      Socio-political relevance


Candidates should be able to:

i.   identify   different   types   of   poetry;
ii.   compare and contrast features of different  poetic types:
iii.  determine the devices used by various poets;

iv. show how poetic devices are used for aesthetic effect in each poem;
v.  deduce the poet’s preoccupation from the poem;
vi. appraise poetry as an art with moral values;
vii. apply the lessons from the poem to real life situations.

4.  General Literacy Principles in Jamb Literature Syllabus
a. Literary terms:
foreshadowing, suspense, theatre, monoloque, dialoque, soliloquy, symbolism, protagonist, ntagonist, figures of speech, satire, stream of consciousness etc, in addition to those listed above under the different genres.
b. Relationship between literary terms and principles.

OBJECTIVE in This Jamb Literature Syllabus

Candidates should be able to:

i.  identify literary terms in drama, prose and poetry;
ii. differentiate between literaryterms and principles;
iii. use literary terms appropriately.

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5. Literary Appreciation for Jamb Syllabus for Literature in English
Unseen passage/extracts from Drama, Prose and Poetry.

Candidates should be able to:

i.  determine literary devices used in a given passage/extract;
ii.  provide a meaningful inter- pretation of the given
iii. relate the extract to true life experiences.

Jamb Syllabus for Literature in English


i.       JC De Craft: Sons and Daughters, UPL Non-African:
i.      William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, Newswan POETRY:
i.       Buchi Emecheta: The Joys of Motherhood, Heinemann
ii.      Ferdinand Oyono: The Old Man and the Medal, Heinenmann
George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty Four, Newswan
i.  Adeoti Gbemisola: ‘Naked Soles’
ii. D. Rubadiri: ‘An African Thunderstorm’
iii.Kobcna Eyi Acquah: ‘In the novel of the Soul’
iv.Mazisi Kunene: ‘Heritage of Liberation’
v. Okinba Launko: ‘End of the War’
vi.Traditional: ‘Give me the Minstrel’s Seat’
i.       Andrew Mabel: ‘To His Coy Mistress’
ii.      D.H.Lawrence: ‘Bat’
iii.     T. S. Elliot: ‘The Journey of the Magi’
iv.     Wendy Cope: ‘Sonnet’


Abrams, M. H. (1981) A. Glossary of Literary Terms, (4th Edition) New York,
Holt Rinehalt and Winston
Emeaba, O. E. (1982) A Dictionary of Literature, Aba: Inteks Press
Murphy, M. J. (1972) Understanding Unseen, An Introduction to English Poetry
and English Novel forOverseas Students, George Allen and Unwin Ltd.
Nwachukwu-Agbada. J. O. J. (2005) Exam Focus: Literature in English, Ibadan:
UP Pic.

Check out Jamb Recommended text for Literature- in- English

Hope you have been informed about Jamb Literature Syllabus 2018 and how to get Jamb Syllabus for Literature either by text or through pdf download and we believe that you will study with the Jamb Literature syllabus 2018.

Do you face any challenge in Jamb and you want to share it here, please kindly use the comment box below

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My business is feeding a market that is desperate for the solutions that I create to solve their challenges. Here is a bit about me: Peters Edi is a prolific writer who writes awesome contents especially for the internet; he is a freelance writer, SEO expert, web designer, a Blogger, event host, and ICT/Social Media consultant......


  1. the only problem i can confess about or against JAMB is the issue of time factor, many students are not as smart as thought so, there should be time extension for the sake of such victim.
    moreso, some students are been denied of their rightful mark due the high rate of corruption which was recently accompanied the JAMB rigure, noted failed candidates are now seen with the highest score as a result of bribering and corruption (sorting). money can’t buy knowledge and so, justice should always be done by the markers. we believe thus it is marked on computer, there will be no injustice, but as time goes on, the computer began to falsificate some students result. it is work of a human being, computer cannot do unauthorisely, the responsible knows themselves. pls, stay off it and join to eradicate injustice and corruption. success to every fort coming JAMB candidates 2019!

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