NYSC Batch B Registration 2019 Guide and Timetable | How to Register for NYSC 2019

NYSC Batch B Registration 2019 is out as well as it’s mobilization timetable for nysc 2019 Batch B are all out for all those who were not mobilized for the NYSC Bactch A or those who missed the registration for the National Youth service Corps.

NYSC Batch B Registration
NYSC Batch B Registration

Since 2019 began there had been some interruptions on the normal calendar/Timetable for Nysc this occur because of the Non-Academic Staff Union of Universities strike nationwide among federal Universities. In the light of this, nysc Batch B stream 1 2019 should have gone for service before this time.

However, those who took part in the nysc Batch a 2019 were mobilized released from camp and deploy to their respective place of service.

If you are to be mobilized for NYSC Batch B and set for NYSC Batch B Registration, it is of high important that you follow the nysc Batch B 2019 calendar carefully and know the scheduled activities for mobilization of Batch B applicants.

The official NYSC portal remains www.nysc.gov.ng and you can find other information that are not written there here. In this post, we will give you the Nysc registration

NYSC Batch B 2019 timetable and Nysc Batch B Registration

nysc Batch B 2019/2020 timetable for mobilization is out and the timetable will serve as a guide for you to know when you are expected to go for service.

The nysc Batch B stream 2 2019 will  be proceeding for service after the batch B stream 1 have returned. The Nysc timetable also includes the nysc Batch B 2019 calendar and it shows the time and when core members are to embark on service.

Please before proceeding for the NYSC Batch B Registration 2019 , please note that there nysc Batch a 2019 timetable is different from that of Nysc batch B.

Though all registration should be done at nysc portal 2019, but we will endeavor to make sure that you are fully guided on how to embark on the registration that is to say, you will  have a full detail on NYSC Batch B Registration 2019 so as to know how to proceed with the registration.

After doing the NYSC Batch B Registration 2019, another question that stucks is when is Batch B 2019 going to camp?

The NYSC will be seen on the timetable and this timetable will also serve as nysc Batch B update for you to know the basic things and even when to print the nysc call up letter Batch B stream 2 or stream 1.

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The nysc Batch B stream 2 2019 call up letter will be ready before the end of July and according to the timetable, the date of the nysc Batch b 2019 passing out date will be announce and updated latter.

If you are an nysc Batch B 2019 prospective candidates and you don’t have the timetable, then you really should have the nysc Batch b 2019 time table. It is not really all about NYSC Batch B Registration 2019, but you need to know and have the full 2019 nysc calendar which is nysc Batch B 2019 information guide.

How to Register/Process NYSC 2019 Online Registration

The registration process for the National Youth Service Corps NYSC Batch B Registration 2019 is very simple and it requires following a little step by step process as seen in the Nysc Batch A registration.

We have written a complete guide towards NYSC batch B registration and all applicants can follow the guide

  1. The registration portal is nysc.gov.ng. If you don’t wants to go through the site, you can visit the portal directly on www.portal.nysc.gov.ng
  1. The registration procedures are simple and you should follow it to complete your NYSC Batch B Registration 2019
  2. You can print your call up letter when it is time for call up letter printing.

N/B You can do the Registration successfully with the help of a cyber café attendants

NYSC Portal 2019

NYSC Batch B Registration
NYSC Batch B Registration

All NYSC Batch B Registration should be done at the nysc 2019/2020 portal which is open for registration.

The nysc 2019 time table for batch B will tell you when nysc 2019 Batch B will be going for service and when the registration portal will close.  The registration portal for NYSC is one for both nysc Batch B stream 2 and stream 1.

Before you can proceed with the registration, you will first have to follow obtain a login details  for nysc login from which you will be able to access nysc portal login 2019 and even proceed for portal nysc.

It is the NYSC portal that you will be able to have access to the nysc dashboard portal and the nysc dashboard contains important and basic information about you and your personal data. The portal for nysc 2019 remains open for NYSC Batch B Registration, but might close soon.

See also  NYSC Batch A 2020 Update and Mobilization and Senate List Guidelines

NYSC Batch B Registration | How to register for nysc

It is not just accessing the Nysc portal, but how to make use of the 2019 nysc registration portal effectively for nysc registration 2019 and this we will show you on this post.

Before doing your NYSC Batch B Registration 2019, you must have read and understand the nysc registration requirements which will help you for a smooth nysc registration 2019 without any form of challenge.

It is important that you nysc registration 2018 Batch B with the assistant of a cyber café attendants who will help you with the sample of nysc registration form while your information will be uploaded in the main form online.

Though a lot of persons have complained about the nysc online registration 2019 being very difficult, but the truth is that if you start your registration early without waiting for when is nysc registration ending, you will have an hitch free registration.

NYSC 2019 Online Registration for Foreign trained graduates

Nysc also allowed graduates who were trained in foregin based institutions to also be mobilized with NYSC Batch B Registration 2019 for the compulsory National Youth service corps. Foreign based graduates have to make available the following documents.

  1. Their Senior School Certificate result either WASC or NECo and they should posses a minimum of 5 credits at either one or two sittings. It is also equivalent to a GCE O’Level Result with a minimum of 5 credits in any two sittings.
  2. NABTEB result with equivalent of 5 credits in not more than two sittings .
  3. First Degree certificates for University graduates and HND Certificate for Polytechnic
  4. Possess and upload an international traveling passport
  5. Original transcript which is gotten for either first degree or an HND program for poly graduates

NYSC 2019 Online Registration for Nigerian Graduates Trained

  • To register for Nysc batch B registration, all candidates must have a workable phone number and an email address for which you will use for the registration.
  •  Only those whose names appear on the senate list will be mobilized and ensure that your name appear on the senate list as well as your school was on the list before you proceed for the registration.
  • Call up letters will be made available in all schools and incase you want to get the call up letter without visiting your school, you will have to pay N3,000 for the call up letter which you can print it online via Nysc portal
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Currently, the Batch B Online registration and mobilization is ongoing and the registration just started. Please if you have not registered and you are to be mobilized for batch B, do well to register for the mobilization exercise of batch B 2019.

NYSC Batch B Registration Closing dates

The NYSC Batch B Registration 2019 which started on the 10th of July 2019 is expected to end on the 16th of July 2019 within a six days interval. All applicants should register for the 2019 Batch B mobilization within this six working days.

When the D.G for NYSC was contacted on the shifting of the date, he reported that the date might not be shifted and he encourage all to register within the stipulated time frame.

During the registration, it is important that all applicants should use one particular email address during the registration and should maintain same all through a particular service year. The same is also applicable to the phone number use for the registration.

The dates for mobilization and printing of the call up letters will be made available on our post on NYSC calendar which we will write soon. The Nysc calendar will be made available for all Batch B perspective corp members, please keep a watch on our blog.

Hope you have been informed on NYSC Batch B Registration 2019 and how to complete the 2019 Batch B registration for the National Youth service corps.

Registration is done at the cyber cafe and it could be done with the help of a cyber cafe attendants. Make sure you submit all particulars for scanning.

You can drop your email address at the comment box below and we will give you more updates on the 2019 Batch B mobilization and registration, when to print call up letter and when to go for camp.

Do you have any questions or contributions on this post on NYSC Batch B Registration 2019? Do you have any question about NYsc generally? Please do well to drop it at the coment below and we will give answers to your questions accordingly.

About Peters Edi 3481 Articles
My business is feeding a market that is desperate for the solutions that I create to solve their challenges. Here is a bit about me: Peters Edi is a prolific writer who writes awesome contents especially for the internet; he is a freelance writer, SEO expert, web designer, a Blogger, event host, and ICT/Social Media consultant......


  1. Please do well to notify me when 2018 batch B online registration will commence. Thank you.

  2. thanks alot for this info
    Please I don’t wish to go for Service this July. I want to go for the one by November because of some personal reason.. how do I go about it?
    do I still need to do the registration when I’m mobilized

  3. please inform me about the registration and mobilization because my name is yet to appear on the Senate list and my school Novena University said they have sent the names to nysc for the july batch.

    • We will inform you once the registration is open…… If your school has sent your name to the senate, then be sure that you will be mobilized

  4. Thanks for the info .pls notify me through my email when NTSC portal opens for registration. And for any updates

  5. Hey am impressed with what you’re doing here may God bless you real good, Pls those of us who by now could not see our names on senate list hope there is no problems and Pls do well to inform us when it’s time for registration thanks.

    • Yes there isno problem, you can still be mobilised……… you will be informed when the registration starts

  6. please sir wen is stream 2 batch A going to camp and secondly those of us dat registered before stream 1 went to camp is there a need for us to register again? cos my profile reads ” your orientation has be ressheduled for july,you will be notified when to print your callup letter” so am confused here dis one am hearing registration again nd pls wen is d date for camp.tnk u

    • I fall in this category,just go and reprint your green card.
      The only difference is that it will change from batch A to batch B and date of printing as well. Just did mine

  7. Plss kindly update me Wen batch b 2018/2019 re to print dere call-up letter ND Wen to resume to camp plss….. thank u

  8. Am confused on d batches please which batch will go to camp November? And when will senate approved list be out?

  9. i registered for batch b but did not go. the info on my dash board reads: sorry your name is not this stream you will be notified when to print your call up letter. for now am in the dark because i really dont know what is going on. i think i will need some info from you as to when call up letter will be made available and when we will be going to camp? thank you.

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