INEC Adhoc Recruitment Portal Login
The Independent National Electoral Commission said its INEC Adhoc Recruitment Portal Login for the recruitment of ad-hoc staff for the 2023 general elections would be opened from September 14.
The commission disclosed this in a letter signed by A.T Yusuf, for the INEC Secretary, on Wednesday.
Yusuf said the INEC Adhoc Recruitment Portal Login would be closed on December 14, 2022, by 8:00 pm.

According to the letter, the exercise, which will be launched through INECPRES, will be opened to other categories of ad-hoc staff except for collation/returning officers.
The letter addressed to all Resident Electoral Commissioners, requested the cooperation of all administrative secretaries, and heads of departments, among others, to attain the required number of ad-hoc staff per state.
“To achieve the required number of ad-hoc staff per state, it is important that robust engagement/sensitization by the Admin. Secs HOD EOPS/EOs & AEOS under the leadership of the RECS is commenced with the Authorities of Federal, State Tertiary Institutions and the NYSC offices (state/ government levels),” it partly read.
He also said that the INECPRES is available via two links located on the INEC website: While one is a link for the Mobile App, the other leads to the web portal.
Who is an Ad-hoc Staff:
An ad-hoc staff is a staff that doesn’t have the job as a full-time offer, but just for a particular purpose, the activity is planned or formed. This means that after the purpose or reason as to why the activity was planned is done with, the offer is then dissolved till further notice.
Roles of the Independent National Electoral Commission ad-hoc staff
With respect to the Independent National Electoral Commission, ad-hoc staff are recruited for the sake of assistance during the forthcoming elections. They are meant to assist people in voting, count the votes and also ensure elections are conducted amicably at their various polling units.
Information from the Chairman Prof. Mahmood Yakubu
of the Independent National Electoral Commission regarding the Adhoc staff recruitment
The Independent National Electoral Commission, disclosed on Friday plans put in place, to recruit over 1500 ad-hoc staff for the forth-coming 2023 general elections.
This information was communicated to the general public through the chairman of the independent national electoral commission Prof. Mahmood Yakubu through a keynote address he delivered at the launch of the Yiaga Africa Election Result Analysis Dashboard (ERAD) Report on Electronic Transmission of Results in the 2022 Ekiti and Osun Governorship Election in Abuja. He made it known that the number of Adhoc staff to be deployed by the independent national electoral commission for the 2023 general elections, is above a number of personnel of both the military and police, which indicates the gravity of the election exercise.
He said: “How many Adhoc staff are we going to employ at the polling unit level for the 2023 general elections? Is over 700,000, so that 1.4 million ad-hoc staff and polling unit level for the 2023 general elections; the national and state elections that is excluding our regular staff and other categories of other Adhoc staff as collation and returning officers. “The number of Adhoc staff to be deployed by INEC for the 2023 general election is more than the combined strength of the police and armed forces in Nigeria.
“This gives you an idea of the size of what we are dealing with when it comes to election management in the country.
Training On INEC Adhoc Recruitment Portal Login
“Also, hands-on training may be required to ensure that all those involved throughout the value chain of the IReV are fully ready for what is bound to be a major outing during the 2023 general election is actually going to be a major test for us and for the nation and we are bracing for that.”
He also stressed the commission plans put in place, to ensure that the forthcoming general elections will not be manipulated, as they will be transparent, free and fair.
Eligibility Criteria for Become an ad-hoc Staff for INEC
In its recruitment notice dated September 7, the commission noted that the INEC Adhoc Recruitment Portal Login will be open from September 14, by 8:00 am and registration ends on December 14, by 8:00 pm.
Each position has its required qualification that INEC demands that applicants have. The registration is open for eligible applicants to register on INEC Adhoc Recruitment Portal Login for all categories of ad-hoc staff except the Collation Officers.
Applicants are therefore advised to register under the category that they meet the requirements.
INEC Adhoc Recruitment Portal Login Eligibilty
Applications are invited for the 2023 Adhoc Staff Recruitment within the capacities below:
- Supervisory Presiding Officer (SPO)
- Presiding Officer (PO) & Assistant Presiding Officer (APO)
- Registration Area Technician (RATECH)
- RAC Manager
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INEC Adhoc Staff Job Recruitment Eligibility Criteria
1.) Supervisory Presiding Officers (SPOs)
Source Institution and Qualification
- Federal Public / Civil Service / MDAs – Staff on GL 10-14 (Priority is given MDAs. qualified staff of NYSC / NOA / NIMC.
- INEC Staff – RAOs & other INEC staff not engaged in any other duties (GL 10 – 14).
2.) Presiding Officer (PO) & Assistant Presiding Officer (APO)
Source Institution and Qualification
- NYSC – Serving Corps members
- Former NYSC – Not earlier than 2018 (i.e 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021).
- Federal & State Tertiary Institution – Students in Penultimate year & a year to Convocation.
- MDAs (Federal and State) – Permanent Staff with OND or on GL 07 – 10.
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3.) RAC Manager
Source Institution and Qualification
- The school/institution hosting the RAC or Super RAC – Head of school or Staff on GL 07 and above.
4.) Registration Area Technician (RATECH)
Source Institution and Qualification
- INEC Staff – Suitable ICT staff (State & HQ) of the Commission not engaged in any other duties.
- NYSC – Serving Corps members in the Commission (where available).
General Criteria for All Positions
- Applicants must not be political party members.
- Applicants must not have demonstrated or expressed support for any candidate or party.
- Applicants must reside in the STATE selected.
How to Apply for INEC Adhoc Staff Job Recruitment
Interested candidates who meet the criteria listed above should apply by clicking on the link below:
Applying for the Inec recruitment is very simple and you will just have to complete the details online as it appears.
Once your application is done you should be able to print your slip which shows that you have successfully applied for the recruitment exercise.
This post gives you a detailed information on INEC Adhoc Recruitment Portal Login and how to register for the 2022 recruitment exercise which is ongoing now.
Please do well to share to everyone!
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