This article is on Covenant University Postgraduates Courses which will help you on your journey to Admission. The knowledge of Covenant University Postgraduates Courses is very important for you to succeed in this years Admission Process. If you want your name to be on the admission list of Unical Post UTME Result. Please read this post which we have compiled on Unical Post UTME Result
We have compiled the list of courses offered in Covenant University, Canaan land stylishly known as CU. These courses as seen towards the end of this post are the accredited courses according to NUC (National University Commission) therefore candidates or prospective students are sure of the information gathered.

Covenant University is located in Ogun state, South west region of Nigeria. This university boasts as one of the private universities in Nigeria that produces graduates with the highest number of First Class in Nigeria. And of course, courses offered in Covenant University are lectured by M.Sc, Ph.D holders as well as Professors. So their quality of education is top notch.
Usually, upon choosing a course of study, it is usually advised prospective students or applicants go through some of the requirements candidates must posses in order to be eligible to study the course in question.
Upon meeting these requirements, candidates becomes automatically eligible for admission into the university.
So with the above information, prospective candidates should be clear as regards the requirements for the list of courses offered in CU (Covenant University) Canaan Land, Ogun state
List of Courses Offered In Covenant University (CU)
As usual, we have arranged the all courses offered in Covenant University (CU) for ease of identification for candidates and our readers.
- Accounting
- Banking & Finance
- Business Administration
- Demography & Social Statistics
- Economics
- Estate Management
- Industrial Relations & Human Resource Management
- International Relations
- Marketing
- Policy & Strategic Studies
- Political Science
- English Language
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Mass Communication
- Public Relation and Advert
- Political Science and International Relations
- Psychology
- Languages and General Studies
- Leadership Studies
- Architecture
- Computer and Information Science
- Biochemistry
- Microbiology
- Industrial Physics
- Industrial Mathematics
- Industrial Chemistry
- Building Technology
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical and Information Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Management Information Science (MIS)
Covenant University Postgraduates Courses
To know Covenant University Postgraduates Courses, you are are to check this link to see all the programmes offered by Covenant University in the Post Graduate School. Check the available courses Here PG School Admission Advert 2017-2018(4)
Objectives of the PG School
The main objectives of the School of Postgraduate Studies in the University are to:
1) Develop the spirit of enquiry in the Postgraduate students through training in research in an atmosphere of intellectual independence and individual creativity combined with a strong sense of teamwork.
2) Foster, through instruction, a deeper understanding of key concepts and an increasing ability to apply fundamental ideas to new problems in the students. The student in the Postgraduate School must, therefore, be made to realize quite early that intellectual growth and subsequent success are directly related to the depth of command of basic principles and ability to apply those principles. Hence, although postgraduate studies are usually associated with a high degree of specialization, such specialization must be achieved in the context of extending mental horizons, producing new orientations, and developing a depth of understanding in the relevant discipline;
3) Provide training in research for those whose future careers will lie in teaching and research at university level, and for those who may have to operate in research and development situations in public or private sectors; and
4) Provide both short and long-term training facilities aimed at improving and upgrading the existing and potential high level manpower needed for planning, implementing and reviewing national development plans as well as improved productivity and performance in the private sector.
Activities of the School
The Dean is supported by a thirteen-member Committee in coordinating postgraduate studies at Covenant University. The Committee meets statutorily on the first Wednesday of every month mainly to deliberate on recommendations sent to it from the University’s two Colleges. The papers accompanying the recommendations are scrutinized and sent back to the relevant Departments, where necessary, for corrections to be effected. The papers are then sent to Senate for approval.
How and When to Apply for any Covenant University Postgraduates Courses
Please proceed to the for more information.
Postgraduate Internship
Postgraduate Internship Programme at Industry and organizations
Covenant University’s Postgraduate internship programme aims to achieve the University’s mission of raising a new generation of leaders by exposing graduate students to life in the society, industry and organisation. To achieve this objective, graduate students of the University had been placed at different organisations for the period of six weeks. It is also required that all interns be directly monitored and supervised by the appropriate officer at the place of placement.
Senior Faculty from the University conducts periodic checks on the interns. In addition, an Internship Evaluation Form (Confidential) is given to the Industry Supervisor to complete and return to the Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies at the end of the Internship.
The Terms of Reference for the Internship Programme can be stated as follows:
- To create avenues for linkages and collaboration with industry, intergovernmental organizations, parastatals etc. for possible staff exchange/internship and professional exposure for CU Faculty;
- To facilitate placement opportunities with the external context;
- To coordinate, monitor and report to Management through the Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies (SPS), the activities of the interns as is made available by the University Supervisors of the Interns;
- To assess interns performance and compliance with professional ethics & academic inquiries/examination along the lines of Covenant University Core-Values, Vision, Mandate and the postgraduate internship requirements and build in such records into the grading system of the Postgraduate Programme of Covenant University;
- To recommend the financial cost of the scheme to Management through the Dean, SPS; and
- To facilitate the monitoring and evaluation of the interns.
On their return to Covenant University, each of the interns submits a report, detailing his/her activities during the period of Internship. The Internship Committee also submits a report to the Dean. The following is an example of such a report.
Introduction on Covenant University Post Graduate School
Covenant University’s Postgraduate internship programme aims to achieve the University’s mission of raising a new generation of leaders by exposing graduate students to life in the society, industry and organisation. The Internship programme was organized for students studying for Master’s degrees at Covenant University. The purpose was mainly to get the students gain practical experience in their various fields. The programme would also prepare them for the choice of their possible research topics for their current Master’s and future Ph.D theses. To achieve these objectives, graduate students of the University were placed at different organisations for the period of six weeks between July and October, 2008. Twenty-eight (28) Graduate Assistants participated in the programme. They were drawn from nine (9) Departments across the University:
- Accounting
- Business Studies
- Computer and Information Science
- Economics and Development Studies
- Human Resources Development
- International Relations
- Mass Communication
- Political Science
- Sociology
Based on stipulated guidelines approved by the University, the interns are expected to produce an intership report after the completion of the programme.
Interns Placement and Covenant University Postgraduates Courses
The placement of interns is based on the relevance of the organisation to the discipline and academic interest of graduate students. The task of placing interns is the shared responsibility of the Committee of Postgraduate Intership Programme, the students, Heads of Departments and Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies (SPS). There was a formal induction ceremony on Monday, 14 July 2008 at CBS/CHD Seminar Room at 10:00am. The activities of the induction ceremony were divided into two parts. The first part included Opening Prayer, Vice-Chancellor Opening Remarks, Registrar’s Charge, Things to Remember, Formal Induction by the Vice-Chancellor and responses from the interns. The second part related to internship report writing, the conducts during internship, the expectation, and briefing.
Hope this was informative enough? if you have any question(s) as regards the list of courses offered in Covenant University (CU) simply scroll down to the comment section below, post your questions and we will shall respond in no time.
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