Most Useless Courses in Nigeria – Most Useless Degrees in Nigeria

Titled “Most Useless Courses in Nigeria,” this article delves into the contentious worth of degrees considered useless, examining elements such as career opportunities and individual viewpoints.

Its focus is on enlightenment rather than pessimism, stressing the significance of making informed choices and recognizing the potential within atypical academic paths.

Useless Courses in Nigeria
Useless Courses in Nigeria

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What is a Useless Course?

Within the educational context, the term useless is frequently employed to characterize degrees that may not lead to employment or provide a satisfactory return on investment.

However, it is crucial to recognize the subjectivity of this term, as its interpretation varies based on individual perspectives, the job market, and economic circumstances.

Defining Useless in an Educational Context: A course is often deemed useless if it fails to generate job opportunities commensurate with the invested time, effort, and financial resources. This can be attributed to various factors, such as a saturated job market, insufficient demand in the industry, or rapid technological advancements rendering specific skills outdated.

It’s essential to emphasize that a degree’s value is not solely determined by its immediate economic returns.

Education contributes significantly to personal growth, fostering critical thinking. It also enables a broader understanding of the world. These aspects are challenging to quantify but hold equal importance.

Factors to be Considered Before Classifying Useless Courses in Nigeria

Several elements contribute to labeling a degree as useless. Here are the factors:

  • Job Market Saturation: If a considerable number of individuals hold the same degree, it can result in an oversupply of graduates for a limited number of positions, making securing employment in the field more challenging.
  • Industry Demand: Degrees associated with industries experiencing low demand or slow growth may present fewer job opportunities.
  • Technological Advancements: Rapid changes in technology can diminish the relevance of certain degrees if they do not adapt to incorporate new skills and knowledge.
  • Return on Investment: Degrees requiring substantial financial investment but offering low starting salaries or limited job prospects may be perceived as useless from a financial standpoint.
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While the term ‘useless’ is commonly used to characterize specific degrees, it is vital to consider a broader perspective. A degree’s value extends beyond immediate job prospects and financial returns, encompassing personal fulfillment, passion, and contributions to society.

Therefore, when selecting a course of study, it is crucial to weigh both practical and personal considerations.

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The Most Useless Courses in Nigeria

There are courses in Nigeria that might not help you get jobs or give back what you invested in them. But this idea changes depending on what people think, the jobs available, and how the country is doing. Here are some courses that are often called useless in Nigeria:

  • Political Science: In other countries, people with this degree work for the government or private companies. But in Nigeria, not many jobs need this.
  • Botany: Studying plants might get you jobs in developed countries, but it is hard to find these jobs in Nigeria.
  • Animal Science: Learning about animals does not get many jobs in Nigeria, except for teaching.
  • Christian Religious Studies: In Nigeria, this degree does not lead to high-paying jobs.
  • Social Studies: Spending time studying this in university might not help with getting good jobs in Nigeria.
  • Home Economics: What you learn here can be learned faster outside of the university.
  • Horticulture: Though farming is big in Nigeria, not all farming courses from universities have good job prospects.
  • Sociology: Many sociology graduates in Nigeria do not get good jobs.
  • Zoology: There are not many jobs for people who study animals in Nigeria.
  • Archaeology: It is tough to find good jobs in this field in Nigeria because of fewer teaching facilities and not many jobs after graduation.
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A degree is not only about getting a job or money. It also helps you grow personally, think better, and understand more things in the world that are super important, even if they are hard to measure.

Impact of Useless Courses on Individuals and Society

Useless courses can have a significant effect, influencing both individuals and the broader society. We will delve into the impact of useless courses on individuals and society.

Impact of Useless Courses on Individuals

When people go after a useless degree, it can bring many difficulties for them. Here are the effects of useless courses on individuals:

  • No job or not the right job: When graduates cannot find work in what they studied, they might not have a job or get a job that is not what they wanted.
  • Money troubles: Going to college can cost a lot. If graduates do not earn enough in their field, they might find it hard to pay back what they owe.
  • Feeling stressed: Not having a job, money problems, and feeling like their time and hard work were for nothing can make graduates feel stressed, worried, or upset, affecting their mental health.

Impact of Useless Courses on Society

Here are the impacts of useless courses on society:

  • Money Impact: When many graduates cannot find jobs, the government might have to spend more on helping them, and this can make the economy struggle.
  • Wasting Learning Resources: Spending on degrees that do not help much could be better used for more important subjects.
  • Skill Problem: Degrees that don’t lead to good jobs might mean workers do not have the skills the economy needs.
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Alternatives to Useless Courses in Nigeria

When dealing with problems from useless degrees, it is good to think about other choices that might help students more. Here are some:

  • Vocational and Technical Education: These programs teach practical skills for certain jobs, linking closely with local industries for better job chances.
  • STEM Degrees: Jobs in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are in demand and pay well.
  • Entrepreneurship: Some skip traditional degrees and start businesses or create new stuff.
  • Online Learning and Certifications: Online courses are cheaper, and some are even free, letting people learn new things while working.
  • Apprenticeships: Learn on the job and get paid, leading straight into a career.
  • Gap Year: Taking a year off for work, travel, or helping out can teach valuable things and make you more interesting to bosses and colleagues.

Traditional degrees aren’t the only way to get a job. Thinking about other choices helps students find what fits their passions and goals best. The key is to follow what you care about.


Students should choose their studies wisely. Some degrees might seem useless now, but education goes beyond just jobs. Things change, so labelling degrees should be careful.

Options like vocational training, online courses, and starting a business give choices. Education isn’t just about money; it’s about loving to learn, thinking well, and preparing for a changing world.

The value of a degree depends on how one sees it. Every learning experience, even if not job-related, helps people grow and see life in a better way.

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