7 Productive activities that will make you a millionaire in 2017

7 Productive activities that will make you a millionaire in 2017.

Many have made it as a new year resolution to become millionaires in 2017 and this new year resolution will just remain as a mere inscription on the paper or a mere words uttered if you don’t find some productive activities that can make you a millionaire in 2017.

The under listed activities will gear your maximum productivity in your life and business and was tested profound by productivity gurus like Michael Hyatt When you are productive in life, financial fortune will just follow you. To be a millionaire is just to engage in highly productive activities. But before you engage in these productive activities, there are certain things in life that had made you less productive in 2016.

What are those things that made you less productive in 2016?

Lack of Focus

In our society today many are distracted by numerous things ranging from social media, friends, etc. These distractions constitute a lack of focus in your activities. One way to be focus is by identifying your distractions and getting rid of them before the make you poor.

Concentrating on numerous things too will thwart your focus a whole lot. Whatever you tend to do, it is worthwhile that you concentrate on that particular thing before you can focus on another. If you are on your computer, turn off all social media notifications, email notifications and just focus on what you are doing.  Focus on one thing at a time and when you might have finish, you can flip to the other. One way to achieve this is to discipline yourself.

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Excessive communication


This has made you less productive over the years. Research has shown that most less productive people are those that love over louse communication. If you want to be a millionaire in 2017, it is pertinent that you limit your communication. When you are picking up a hobby, it is good that you limit the communication spirit with your friends love ones and even in your social media.

The social Media is one communication tool that has aided less productivity through excessive communication. Most people spend their credible time on the social Media and mismanagement of time will definitely lead to your financial wretchedness.

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This has posed a threat in our day to day productivity. After making out New Year resolutions, Putting out plans and setting out goals to be achieved, we usually end up dwindling back to our broth.

Of course you know it is bad,

And this makes us less productive in life. Before you become a millionaire in 2017, It will be good if you discipline yourself in executing your plans in order to achieve your set out goals. One way to deal with indiscipline is to deal with some bad habits of yours.

After dealing with the above factors, here are those activities that will can make you a millionaire in 2017?

Internet Marketing

The world is going digital and the internet is taking its Pace. One can easily stay in the confirm of his  home to make money. The internet has grown to be one on the largest marketing platform in the world. You can make millions of naira by just creating a site putting up affiliate links from advertising companies.

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Within three months, if you are consistent with what you are doing, you can make millions from this productive activity. In case you don’t have a site or blog and you don’t want to create any, you can take advantage of the social media platform; twitter, faceebook etc. The numbers of visitors or followers that you have will determine how much you make your money.

MLM and franchise

Multilevel marketing and franchising give two approaches to people to begin a private company. Both sorts of organizations offer the chance to work with a built up brand and plan of action. While picking which sort of business to seek after, research various multilevel organizations and establishments to perceive how they work. Consider forthright expenses and your identity while picking which course to take.

Internet freelancer

This is a good way to make millions in 2017, you can be a freelancer on the internet and offer specific services to the people online.

This is the question?

Are you skilled in one service or the other or can you provide services such as writing, editing, typing, graphic design etc….


There are thousands of people around the world looking for the above mentioned services and you only need to connect with your clients. One way to connect with your client is to have a good platform. A good platform connects you with your desired and high paying clients.

In the internet, there are hundreds of freelancing platform for freelancers. You just need a single step to start providing your services. There are numerous site like fiverr.com, upwork.com people per hour, iwriters.com who will help you to connect with your clients. The simple way to get started is to register with them.

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Online Teaching

Are you knowledgeable about a particular thing, you can do well to share your knowledge online and start making 20- 100 $ per  hour through Skype  and other videoing platforms. Thousand s of people wants to learn every day and you know what? Most people on the internet don’t love reading.


There is no time for that! Someone will love to watch you tutor him on what has been a nagging problem you can start with sites like Online teaching like lead for good …..or indeed.or indeed

After you have achieve your financial goal, you can convert it into a full time business by you can now convert it into a full time business or possibly setting up your own video teaching site.

Private Chef

This will require a kind of expertise in cooking, but you can learn how to cook from experienced chefs. A Private chef earns amongst $200 and $500 a day. On the off chance that you live to cook, it’s a vocation to strive for. The business is developing, the affiliation says. Understand what you’re getting into before you begin: Chef preparing can be costly, exhausting and troublesome, and working in an expert kitchen is not at all like cooking at home.

Question:  What other productive activities do you think can make one a millionaire? Comment below.

About Peters Edi 3460 Articles
My business is feeding a market that is desperate for the solutions that I create to solve their challenges. Here is a bit about me: Peters Edi is a prolific writer who writes awesome contents especially for the internet; he is a freelance writer, SEO expert, web designer, a Blogger, event host, and ICT/Social Media consultant......

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