Meet 5-year-old GENIUS who can outdo any adult teacher in computer skills (photos)

Meet 5-year-old GENIUS who can outdo any adult teacher in computer skills (photos).

The photos below show how a boy of five years from Zimbabwe proved that e-learning is a veritable means in educational system, Even though a child may not be able to read and write.

-The young lad showed off his relatively computer skills to a large number of teachers who came for a training.

-Everyone was marveled and impressed at the display  of the child’s dexterity towards the ICT and his ability to work with the computer perfectly and they believe that it it a proof of the program’s success

A five year old boy from the Early Childhood Development program is living proof about the effectiveness of the Information, Communication and Technology program

During a 10 minute presentation the child displayed his computer skills to a group of 50 ECD teachers that were attending the “E-learning in the new curriculum” workshop.

The child proved that he had command over the mouse and keyboard, could turn a computer on and off, could open and close programs and draw shapes and solve puzzles.

He showed that he can draw on the computer and can use a mouse and keyboard

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The presentation was meant to show that children can not only work with computers before they can learn how to read, but it is beneficial for their development.

The five year old boy said: “I like spending my time working on the computers than playing with other kids because when I grow up I want to be a computer technician. I want to keep on helping other children to learn computers so that we compete.”

The workshop is solid proof that Information, Communication and Technology program is beneficial for the development of a young mind and that parents and teacher should encourage children to learn new technology.


About Peters Edi 3481 Articles
My business is feeding a market that is desperate for the solutions that I create to solve their challenges. Here is a bit about me: Peters Edi is a prolific writer who writes awesome contents especially for the internet; he is a freelance writer, SEO expert, web designer, a Blogger, event host, and ICT/Social Media consultant......


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