Like we promise you, the 2018 Waec Government Questions is now available and this we have compiled according to how it was gotten from the source. The Waec Government Question and Answers 2018, from what we have here is solely compiled for all the art student who are doing Government this year in WAEC.

at our waec question on government 2020, you will see a sense of genuinity because the questions were serially arranged and there is no form of mistakes from the answers provided from the Government questions. Please
For all art students, don’t think that the Government questions may be like the Literature in English Questions where you are required to answer the questions in two times. The Government questions comes once and there examination will not be written again until next year when another May/June examination will be coming up.
Please you should study the syllabus on the topic pre-colonization and post Colonization as well as questions on Nationalism and civil service, because this also consist of waec government question and answer 2020.
Our 2020 Waec Government Questions consist of virtually the questions as seen on the waec government question and answer 2020 gotten from an insider.
In all waec examination, one subject sometimes tend to pose a little sense of difficulty to many art students is usually Government. waec government 2020 has one of the largest Syllabus in waec entirely and this complexity has made a lot of candidates to study as if their lives depend on waec.
In this post, you will see all the waec past questions and answers on government pdf for the year 2020 and as well as answers to the questions. That’s why you have chosen to get the 2020 waec government questions. From the questions we you have seen, we have gotten it from an insider who is always ready to provide us with the questions an answers for the 2020 Waec Government Questions as we can see herein this post.
2020 Waec Government Questions and waec 2020 government answer
We have not only gotten the Waec 2020 Questions, but we have also gotten WAEC 2020 answers for you to help you as you write waec 2020 government objective and essay questions without any form mincing words the questions too have the 2020 Government answers.
Like the Literature in English Waec Questions, most questions in this category can be clearly seen as repeated in the wassce 2014 government questions. A good number of the questions are also being repeated from 2014.
Also in this present 2020 waec questions for government, a good number of the theory questions are drawn from the wassce past questions- government and that is why we do advise for the comprehensive study of the past question for all WAEC Students.
The 2020 question and answer for government exam is made available right before tiem, and not like the Mathematics questions that a lot of students had to wait for a long while before they were able to access the questions and answers. Also in waec questions and answers on biology pdf, the questions were also available on time for candiadtes to start preparing early before the actual time of the exams.
This post contain the present wassce 2020 government questions for the candiadtes of the west African Examination Council for the May/June WASSCE examination.
A lot of persons complained of lack of money to subscribe and the get the answers only to the questions, but in our site, we have choosen to make available the 2020 Waec Government Questions for free without any fees attached
Download government question and answers WAEC 2020 | Examination Format
Waec 2020 government answers are being provided to all the question and so that you will have both government question and answers 2020. The answers provided to the waec government question 2020 are questions which was sourced from an insider and accordingly, answers are proided to the waec government question 2020.
From what we have noticed, one of the key ways of passing the waec, May/june government 2020 is a carefull and a detailed study of the government past questions pdf containing all waec government 2017 questions and that of other years.
In our Physics Questions, a lot of persons called to send their testimony of thanks for helping them with the exact physics questions and answers pdf and we also experience same in the wassce english questions and answers pdf of this year.
The wassce geography questions pdf is also available though the exams was written already. This can still serve as a purpose of study and reference point for further examination such as aptitude test.
The 2020 Waec Government Questions and answers is not really different it still have the same format of 50 Obj Questions and about 5 or Six theory Questions and answers. With reference to the WAEC Timetable, the Time for which the 2020 Waec Government Questions will be given for you to write is about 08:30 hrs. – 10:30 hrs. 10:30 hrs. – 11:30 hrs for both Essay and Obj questions.
2020 Waec Government Questions Objective and Theory
The 2020 WAEC exams for government questions and answers for both theory and objective is seen below and it can be studied at hand before the day of the examination. You will notice that the questions may be incomplete, Please endure with us as we will make the questions complete before the day of the examination.
OBJ Government Answers
Government Theory Answers

(1a) Society is referred to as the association of human beings. Society includes every kind and degree of relationship entered into by men, whether oraganized or unorganized, direct or indirect, conscious or unconscious, cooperative or antangonistic.
(1b) (i) Interdependence: Society implies interdependence. It is another essential element to constitute society. It is not possible for human being to satisfy his desire in isolation. He needs the help of others for his survival.
(ii) Cooperation: Cooperation is also another essential element to constitute society. Without cooperation, no society can exist.
(iii) Conflict: Conflict is an ever present phenomenon present in every human society. Not only cooperation but also conflict in necessary for the formation of society. They must coexist in a healthy society. Conflict is a process of struggle through which all things having into existence.
(iv) Likeness: Likeness of members in a social group is the primary basis of their mutuality. May be in the beginning assumed or real common lineage, tribal affinity, family benefit or the compactness due to a common to time inculcated between and among the members in the group the feeling of likeness. Likeness means mutuality, and that means society
Communalism: This is a social, political, economic arrangement in which landed property and other natural resources of a given society are collectively owned, managed and togetherly improved by the community for the common interest of everybody.
Differences between communalism and feudalism:
(i) There is no collective ownership of resources.
(ii) There is room for exploitation.
(iii) There is a provision of annual tributes paid by the tenants to the Lords.
(iv) Tenants hold lands in trust for the Lords.
(i) There is collective ownership of resources.
(ii) There is no room for exploitation.
(iii) There is no annual tribute paid.
(iv) There is collective ownership and management of land.
(3a) (i) By Birth: A person is a citizen by birth if either his parents, mother or father is a citizen of a country
(ii) By naturalization: Somebody can become a citizen of a country where he lives through naturalization. This is possible if he can satisfy the constitutional requirements for naturalization
(iii) Marriage or Registration: If a woman is married to a person of another nationality, she can acquire the citizenship of the husband’s country through registration
(3b) (i) Statutory age: An alien can become a citizen of another country if he has attained the required age as stipulated by the law of the country
(ii) Good character: He or She must possess good character
(iii) He or She has shown a clear intention of his/her desire to be domiciled in that country
(7a) Proto nationalism is generally referred to as traditional nationalists who were opposed to giving up their territories because they were denied respectable positions in their land or communities by reason of their race.
(7b) (i) Economic exploitation : There was economic exploitation of Nigerians by foreign firms
(ii) Administrative post: Nigerians were not allowed to hold any administrative posts and the highest they could attain was that of Chief Clerk
(iii) Lake of adequate educational facilities : The missionaries who were out to provide education did not achieve much due to financial problems
(iv) Racial segregation : Discrimination against the natives was mostly witnessed in the 20th century in Nigeria.
(i) Language barrier There are three languages that are used for communication within the ECOWAS bloc, that is English, French and Portuguese.
(ii) Human Rights Abuses Another problem of the ECOWAS group is the penchant of the member states to abuse the human rights of their citizens. The human rights records of some member states is nothing to write home about
(iii) Financial problems The aims and objectives of the ECOWAS can only be achieved when the financial base of the community is solid. However, some member states are not able to honour their financial obligations to the community
(iv) Strong External Influence: Many of the member states of ECOWAS were former colonies of some former colonial powers. Countries such as Britain, France and Portugal ever had a colony or two that now belong to the ECOWAS group
(v) Widespread Poverty: Many of the member states of ECOWAS are among the poorest of the poor nations in the world. Many of their citizens earn less that a dollar a day.
Hope you were informed on WAEC Government Questions for 2018 and we believe that this post had serve as a guide towards you knowing and having the current 2020 WAEC Government Questions.
Do you need more examination questions? Comment with your email address on the comment box below and we will send questions on different subjects for you when before the examination.
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