Unical Post UTME Exams Dates and Venue 2018/2019 | Unical Screening Dates (Updated)

Unical Post UTME Exams Dates and Venue 2018/19 | Unical Screening Dates

This article is on Unical Post UTME Exams Dates which will help you on your journey to Admission. The knowledge of Unical Post UTME Exams Dates is very important for you to succeed in this years Admission Process. If you want your name to be on the admission list of the University of Calabar. Please read this post which we have compiled on Unical Post UTME Result.

Unical Post UTME Exams Dates
Unical Post UTME Exams Dates

that registration for the Post UTME excercise has been extended and will now end on Monday the 25th of Sept. 2018.This is to bring to the notice of the candidates who choose University of Calabar as their 1st choice for various programmes
Click Here To Register.

UNICAL Post-UTME Exam/Screening Date Announced 2018/19

The Post UTME screening is scheduled to commence on Monday 13th August 2018 to Saturday, 18th of August. 2018.

UNICAL Post UTME Aptitude Test/Screening Date 2018/2019

We make this announcement for the benefit of all candidates who scored 150 and above in the Joint Admissions & Matriculation Examination and who have chosen University of Calabar as their First Choice in their application for admission into the University for the 2018/2019 academic session. The First Choice aptitude test exercise has been scheduled to take place from Monday 13th August 2018.

This information is for candidates who chose the University of Calabar (UNICAL) as their preferred choice of higher institution and sat for the UTME 2018/19 academic year.

Please note that all universities in Nigeria have resumed the use of Post UTME exams/ screening exercise, thus all students who scored above the required UNICAL Cut off Mark is eligible for admission after passing the post UTME examination.

See below UNICAL Post UTME Exam/ Screening date and read carefully, the requirements, payments and procedures involved

This is to inform prospective students and candidates that UNICAL Post UTME exam/Screening date has been released.

You should proceed to Check you Unical Post UTME result after the completion of the exams

How to Check your Unical Post Utme Exams Date and Venue

1.Visit http://myunical.edu.ng/venue-and-sitting-arrangement/Default.aspx
2.Scroll up and down to check the different examination days scheduled by different days and make sure that you have seen your course.

3. Enter your JAMB Reg. Number in the box provided, and click search to view your Post UTME Screening Schedule as seen below.

If you are having issues viewing your screening schedule, kindly drop your Reg. Number in the comment box below and we will help you check and send your Schedule as soon as possible.

E-transact option:

This option is available in all commercial banks nationwide. At the bank, you are required to pay and obtain an E-transact PIN. With the PIN, log into the portal

http://www.Myunical.edu.ng   and follow the instructions on the portal after login.

Scratch Card Option:
This option is available in the following banks within Calabar Metropolis ONLY:

  1. Unical Microfinance Bank
    Heritage Bank
  2.     First City Monument Bank
  3. WEMA Bank
  • On obtaining the scratch card, proceed as follows:
  1.  Print out the completed form.
    e.    Confirm your entries and CLICK ON SUBMIT
    d.    Click on login and follow the online instructions
    c.    Enter the scratch card pin in the box provided
    b.    On the home page, enter your correct JAMB Registration No in the box provided.
    a.    LOG ON TO: http://www.myunical.edu.ng and click on UTME link.
See also  Unical Post Utme Screening Form 2017 | www.myunical.edu.ng


  • Aptitude Test = N2000 Only


Registration Was said to start from Monday 6th August 2018, when the portal will be open. Please note that the portal will however be shut down at 12.00 mid night on Friday, September 22, 2017 but from recent information, the registration exercise will now end on Monday the 25th  2018

IMPORTANT NOTE on Unical Post UTME Exams Dates

(i)     Candidates are required to come with their original UTME result slips  showing candidate’s photograph;

(ii)  The Post UTME exercise is Computer Based Test (CBT).


Impersonation is a serious offence and anyone caught will be handed over to the Law Enforcement Agents and may be liable to up to 5 years imprisonment.

  • Any candidate who fails to take part in the Post UTME exercise automatically loses his or her chance of being considered for admission.
  • Early commencement of registration is advised to avoid congestion in the dying hours.
  • Candidates are advised to check the Portal from Saturday, Monday 13th August 2018 for their venue and time of the CBT. Candidates are strictly advised to ensure that their correct phone numbers are provided while filling the form online as the University will communicate with them directly.

For questions regarding UNICAL Post-UTME Exam/Screening Date Announced 2018/19, kindly scroll down to the comment section and we shall respond accordingly.


The University of Calabar (UNICAL) cut off mark for 2018/2019 academic session is 150 for all courses, to get for information, you could also visit their website.

The University of Calabar (UNICAL) cut off mark for all courses 2018/19 academic year has been released, by the school management. The cut off mark cuts across all departments, therefore beating the cut off mark gives the student an ample chance of going for the UNICAL Post  UTME exam and Internal screening exercise.

  1. 170 – 240 – Medicine (O’ Level result with one sitting only) and Nursing
  2. 150 and above – Mass Communication, Common Law, Pharmacy, Anatomy, Physiology
  3. 150 and above – Computer Science, English Language, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Geology, all engineering courses except Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering.
  4. 150 – All other courses
See also  JAMB CAPS Login 2021 - JAMB Portal for Admission Status

Hope this was informative enough, Kindly share with friends via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You could also send your comments as regards UNICAL cut off mark for 2018/19 academic year via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.

Other Searches Related to Unical Post UTME Exams Dates

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latest news on unical resumption,

We are ready to provide more information on Unical Post UTME Exams Dates and we want to keep you updated with information on Unical Post UTME Exams Dates If you need more information on Unical Post UTME Exams Dates Kindly drop your email address on the comment box. Do you have any Question or contribution on Unical Post UTME Exams Dates feel free to drop it at the comment box below.

How do you see Unical Post UTME Exams Dates Hope you were inform and please don’t hesitate to get others inform by sharing this post on facebook, WhatApp Twitter or Google Plus.

About Peters Edi 3481 Articles
My business is feeding a market that is desperate for the solutions that I create to solve their challenges. Here is a bit about me: Peters Edi is a prolific writer who writes awesome contents especially for the internet; he is a freelance writer, SEO expert, web designer, a Blogger, event host, and ICT/Social Media consultant......


  1. They postponed the exam to 30th and still we don’t know how to check our time and date..
    Opening the portal you will see this application is closed

    • Follow the relevant links on this page to check your screening dates. If you cannot do so, drop your Jamb reg number let’s check for you

  2. How can I check my screening date time and venue,I currently can’t log unto the website to check please any useful tips on how to verify would be helpful to me. Reply urgenty

    • The are different days for different courses. You should follow which will request that you fill in your reg number in order to access your exams venue

    • This webpage has been updated with relevant links that will help you to know the Unical Post Utme timetable. We have updated a link that you should follow which will request that you fill in your reg number in order to access your exams venue

  3. I am finding difficult to check my aptitude test Date-venue and time’:::::Here is my Jamb number =76499211DG

  4. please, i registered initially for nursing but my jamb score was 166 so i had to apply for change of course to education and biology, but jamb did not effect the changes on the portal so it was nursing that was still reflecting..i wrote the post utme in nursing but i still want to sit for edu-biology because of the change of course……..

    • Follow the Link to see your sitting arrangement and timetable which is on their portal. Note the Sitting arrangement slip will be required during the aptitude test so endevour to print it out and go with it to the venue

  5. Hello, there are numerous fraudsters and scammers out there looking for people to scam in the name of Jamb upgrade. Please stay away from them as there is nothing like Jamb update

  6. Please I’m trying to check for my post utme date and venue but it’s not showing me anything please I need your help urgently please here’s my jamb reg no- 85438885cf

  7. i want to check my sitting arrange on unical but i could not finnd so please help me and check reg.no 86372295II

    • Your sitting arragement will be made available that day…… for now you can check your venue and date

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  1. Unical Screening Date, Venue and Time 2020 Schedule for Examination : Infowaka

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