FUTA Post UTME Screening |This is an official message to inform all Applicants who are seeking admission to study in the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) for any degree Programmes into the University that the 2017/2018 computer Based test Utme Examination of the school will commence soon. According to the circular released by the school authority, the registration exercise is to start this week commencing from Monday 4th 2017.

Eligible Candidates for FUTA Post UTME.
Those who are Eligible for FUTA Post UTME exercise are to proceed for the online registration candidates who are eligible for the registration are:
- Candidates who considered and had filled the Federal University of Technology, Akure as their first choice of institution for their admission
- Candidates who scored 180 or score score higher than are also eligible for the screening exercise
- Candidates who have 5 credits in not more than two sittings
- Those that are eligible for the Futa Post UTME can Proceed for Admission after the Post UTME examination
It should be noted importantly that candidates who will not partake in the forth coming post UTME Examination Stands a chance to forfeit his/her admission Status even if the candidates had score high in the just concluded UTME examination.
The school will not in any way consider awaiting result as a basic of admission into any degree or direct entry Programme.
How to Apply for FUTA Post UTME Screening.
The Method of Application For FUTA Post UTME exercise is simple and straight forward.
The Screening fee is a non-refundable fee of N2,000.00 (Two Thousand Naira) and can be paid at any of the Bank branch nation Wide using the e-tranzact platform only.
All candidates who scored more than 180 and are seeking admission to study in the Federal University of Technology Akure are mandated to undergo the post Utme registration, filling the form correctly with their personal data.
The data used in the UTME registration should also be used in the post UTME registration and all data should be the same.
Before completing your registration endeavor that all the data filled in are correct.
When once the payment is done, all applicants should visit the university portal to process their registration at the university portal. The form should be complete online and should be printed out for further use.
Also note that:
(i) All candidates should bring along the following items to the screening venue:
(a) Depositor’s copy of Bank Teller indicating payments as appropriate;
(b) JAMB UTME Notification of Results/Registration slips;
(c) Printed copy of the completed FUTA Post-UTME Online Registration Form;
(d) Print-out of e-Tranzact payment receipt (collected from the Bank) and
(e) One passport photograph.
(ii) The General venue for all Futa Post Utme screening is the Obalam Campus of the federal University of Technology Akure and candidates are expected to be present there when once the Screening exercise has been announced.
(iii) No form of electronic devices or cell Phones will be tolerated during the exams and All Applicants should desist from bring any electronic device or anything similar to the exams Hall.
(iv) Candidates are free to practice post utme in a computer based format which will help the candidates along way in the post utme exercise. The test is available at the post UTME practice test Page.
(v) For more information or clarification or other issues, candidates can visit the University website or call 08076981207, 08068209911 AND 08118770353
(vi) Dates and schedules for screening shall be announced later.
NOTE: Any UTME candidate who fails to present himself/herself for the Computer-Based Screening Exercise will NOT be considered for admission in the University.
CLOSING DATE: The online registration for the Computer-Based Post-UTME screening exercise for admission into ALL COURSES/PROGRAMMES for the 2017/2018 Academic session will end on Monday 18th September, 2017.
All admission process and registration should be done at the futa admission portal as there is no other website where the 2017/2018 Futa Post UTME registration is done so candidates are warned to be away of fraudsters.
futa post utme registration is only available to candidates who score a minimum of 180 in the last concluded post utme exercise. All applicants are to visit the school or process the on;line registration in any cyber café.
According to futa 2016/2017 admission List, candidates who sat for the exams and emerge successful were given admission after successfully completing the online registration.
In order not to forfeit your admission, all futa applicants are to proceed to pay the acceptance fees and later futa akure school fees after admission has been offered. Failure to make payment of the acceptance fees might make applicants to forfeit the admission for the year 2017
Futa general cutoff mark for admission is 180 and nothing less than that. Disregarding the circular released by Jamb, the school have placed its cut off Mark to 180. futa cutoff mark for engineering is also 180.
Admission processes too can be process at the futa student portal and the registration can be done there too. The 2017/2018 Futa Post utme screening format will be examination and it will be conducted once the online registration is completed.
The futa postgraduate portal cannot be used for the undergraduate post utme registration as the portal is only accessible for undergraduate and for Post Utme examination. In order to be successful at the Futa post UTME examination, candidates should endeavor to complete the online registration and make sure that all data are correct.
There are numerous courses offered in the federal University of technology Akure there are also futa newly approved courses which is available for most department in the Federal University of Technology Akure.
CLOSING DATE: The online registration for the Computer-Based Post-UTME screening exercise for admission into ALL COURSES/PROGRAMMES for the 2017/2018 Academic session will end on Monday 18th September, 2017.
Hope you were informed about FUTA Post UTME Screening and we believe that you will follow the above instructions carefully in applying for FUTA Post UTME Screening. What is your take on this update? Do you have any question or contribution about FUTA Post UTME Screening? Please kindly drop it at the comment box below
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