Ekiti State University School Fees 2018/19 | Eksu School fees for New and Old Students; Undergraduates and Post graduates

We are still running a series on school fees for different schools and this time we have ekiti state university school fees schedule for all new students and also for returning students in both graduates and post graduates school.

Ekiti state university school fees
Ekiti state university school fees

The official price for all eksu school fees for both undergraduates and post graduates students will be seen in this post. There are various fees paid in the Ekiti State University and you need to know it before you start asking the question how much is ekiti state university school fees?  

All payments is being done at the ekiti state university portal, but however, there are some that need to be paid in the bank for other basic utilities such as hostel and other departmental and faculty dues obtained by the institution.

Ekiti State University is an institution which is run by the ekiti state government and the state government is responsible for the payments of salaries and the maintenance of the school to make it a model school in Nigeria.  It is one school that keeps to the early payments of its staff.

Every year, a remarkable number of students are admitted into the School through a process known as post Utme. ekiti state university post utme examination started again when the federal government lifted up banned against institutions from conducting post Utme also called aptitude test.

Yes !

You can also get our updated Eksu post Utme past questions and answer to prepare very well for the forth coming post utme examination or it will also interest you to read on NOUN School Fees which is still under the school fees series.

ekiti state university school fees is not very bugus as thought and expected by many students especially non-indigenes. But one important thing for students both new and old students is that eksu school fees 2018/19 should be paid on time in order to avoid the closure of portal.

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Eksu school fees for Freshers 2018/19

In this post you will find out that Eksu is one school that have not very high school fees that is affordable for all including those who are coming from other states. In is a very important thing to take note of the school fees schedule for eksu school fees 2018/2019 to make effective and effectual planning of the budget as new students.

Eksu school fees for freshers 2018/19 is not the same for those paying the ekiti state university school fees as returning students.  There is actually a different in the amount paid by freshers and returning students.

Our post is updated and  that is why you will not only find eksu school fees for 2018/19 but you will also find the official ekiti state university school fees for all levels of the institution.

Eksu Portal for School Fees

The official portal for ekiti state university school fees payment is www.eksu.edu.ng For school fees payment and also for eksu acceptance fees all eksu fee can be processed at the portal and you will be charged based on a eksu school fees schedule 2018 as seen in our post below.


ekiti state university school fees for 2018 is not very expensive as thought by many. The school fees schedule for all students has been clearly sown in our post below and this post is just here to get you informed about the current school fees obtained by the institution.

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A lot of persons have gotten information from returning students without knowing that ekiti state university school fees for freshers is different from the school fees paid by returning students.

One thing that is very compulsory for freshers is to pay the eksu acceptance fee 2018/2019 befoe proceeding to pay the eksu school fees for freshers 2018/19. We can also see a little reduction in which is different from the freshers school fees for eksu school fees for 2017/2018

eksu school fees for freshers 2018/2019 will be shown in this article below for all those who have gotten admission and also those who will be studing in the ekitu state University and this our post contains eksu latest school fees as released by the school management.

ekiti state university has been ranked as one of the best State University according to NUC and the state government has tried its best to reduced eksu school fees to make it affordable for its indigenes and now indigenes pay cheaper than non-indigenes


ekiti state university school fees 2018/2019 for Different Faculties

In Ekiti state university school fees, there are different fees for different faculties and it is for you to check your faculty to know the right fee to be paid according to the description for different faculties. Below is a detailed school fees schcedule for different faculties for Ekiti state Univerity.

S/N FACULTY 100 Level 200 Level 300 Level 400 Level 500/600 Level
1  Administration 171,000 61,500 56,000 56,000 56,000
2 Agriculture 170,000 61,500 56,000 56,000 56,000
4 Arts And Humanities 170,000 61,500 56,000 56,000 56,000
5. College of Medicine 170,000 61,500 56,000 56,000 56,000
6. Clinical Sciences 170,000 61,500 56,000 56,000 56,000
7 Education 170,000 61,500 56,000 56,000 56,000
8 Engineering/Tech/Env 170,000 61,500 56,000 56,000 56,000
9 Law/Legal Studies 170,000 61,500 56,000 56,000 56,000
10 Social Sciences 170,000 61,500 56,000 56,000 56,000
11 Sciences 170,000 61,500 56,000 56,000 56,000
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The school fees schedule above contains school fees schedule for about 11 different faculties in Ekiti state University. Please disregard all false information which may put it that the school fees is more than what you have seen above.

There was a false information that the management of the school have hijacked the school fees to make it very expensive, but however, the Deputy registrar as well as the director of information of Ekiti State University voiced out concerning Ekiti state university school fees. Mr. Ajibade said that the school fees has not gotten to One hundred and fifty thousand naira as claimed by many but rather the school authority have seen the need to reduce the school fees by thirty thousand naira.

This post was written to give you a detailed information about Ekiti state university school fees and how to proceed with the school fees payments. Hope you have been informed about the school fees obtained by the institution.

The post is written in detail and we also make use of table to also still make the school fees schedule of Ekiti State University clear to you. You can also see Lasu School fees schedule which is almost similar to the school fees obtained in Eksu.

Do you have any question or contribution about this post on Eksu school fees, please make use of the comment box to drop your questions or contributions and we will answer them appropriately.

Don’t forget to share this post.

About Peters Edi 3481 Articles
My business is feeding a market that is desperate for the solutions that I create to solve their challenges. Here is a bit about me: Peters Edi is a prolific writer who writes awesome contents especially for the internet; he is a freelance writer, SEO expert, web designer, a Blogger, event host, and ICT/Social Media consultant......


  1. Is the acceptance fee inclusive in the school fees of #170000 for social sciences freshers or just tuition is #170000?

  2. Good day, i have been given an admission on jamb caps but my name has not shown on school portal, can i go on and pay my acceptance fees?

  3. My son has been given an admission to study elect/elect but the school fee is 201600 and his from Ekiti is the fee not too much?pls confirm

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